Advanced manufacturingIn 2011, President Obama announced and launched the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership. This partnership is defined as a national effort to bring together industry, universities and the federal government to invest in emerging technologies to create high quality manufacturing jobs and enchance the country's global competiveness.


The President's hope is to "spark a renaissance" in American manufacturing and US manufacturers develop cutting-edge tools needed to compete with in the globaly economy. The intent is to ensure that the US would reamin a nation that would invent and manufacture "at home" and create high-quality, good paying jobs for Americans.1

What exactly is Advanced Manufacturing?
Simply, it is manufacturing involving the use of technology to improve products and/or processes, with the relevant technology being described as advanced, innovative or cutting edge.2

If you are interested in this career path, read Traditional Industrial vs. Advanced Manufacturing---Is There a Difference Anymore? by John Shuetz, principal at The RSH Consulting Group and in 2007, consultant to the White House-sponsored Community Reinvestment Fund Program. This article is a broadbrush look of traditional industrial manufacturing versus advanced manufacturing in the US.

Jump start your career path in advanced manufacturing.
Go to SUNYTeam Manufacturing Minds, where you'll learn about industries on the rise and the schools that offer courses. Get the training you need for the career waiting for you.


(1) President Obama Launches Advanced Manufacturing Partnership, White House press release June 24, 2011

(2) 1 Wikipedia,